Part 6: Pyrite Its Wrongs
Part 6: Pyrite Its Wrongs

Welcome back to the hive. This place looks pretty similar, but there's a lot to do in this place, we'll be spending the entire update here!

It's alright man, we've all been there.

I feel like Cail got weaker after 5 years and looks exactly the same, but maybe I'm imagining it.

Swapping a hotdog for a pineapple is a good dieting tip.

I think you need a gate to be effective, honestly.

Crazy to hear that Pokemon can be found in a desert.

Guess Team Snagem are still around, though this is the first time we've actually seen them, so I guess they're not doing much. That wasn't Wakin, the guy we fought outside Phenac Stadium, he just has the same model as all standard Team Snagem grunts.

You know what I love about these games? Everyone has a real swaggadon slow walk.

Before we talk to the men of men, let's talk to the big man of Duking.

Ah finally, being able to buy Revives is great for when things can go south. And I guess the X items are useful or something.

Shroomish is getting closer and closer. Naughty is +Atk -SpDef, which is pretty damn good! It will make its special weaknesses more apparent, but it's better than Lonely!

I love looting places. Sure we could use the PC in the police station, but I'm super lazy, so we'll stay here a couple times.

After all, it's time for Duel Circle, uh, Square.

There's no Shadow Pokemon here anymore, so we'll just get some experience, since Shroomish needs it!

I forget that Togepi is fine getting Flying moves since it evolves into a bird.

Since this game has an immensely shit level curve, we should be fine. Mostly.

Of course we're able to rematch these guys, but this game is overflowing with experience, so I won't bother with any of that, like I did last game.

Despite the weak moves opponents keep using, they can still get lucky and knock us around.

Still Shadow Bagon eludes me...

Everyone keeps picking on Hotdog while Shroomish is just chilling on the side. It's great.

We'll purify Shroomish in a moment, she's still gaining exp regardless, so it doesn't hugely matter.

Least I don't have to transcribe that, I would have to copy that accented e from somewhere.

Get all the crits out of the way now while they don't matter, I repeat to myself until the end of my life.

And that was Duel Sqaure, wasn't that battling fun? There's still plenty more fights to go in this update.

We've reached our destination, though there's still a little bit more of Pyrite to explore. And... is that a vending machine? Hey, Lemonade is pretty good, let's grab some!

...HUH??? What's the best healing item in the series doing here? Moomoo Milk is fantastic, since 100HP is great healing for most of the game and this is the first time it's become easily available so early in a game, it's crazy! Almost too crazy, our team still gets healed by Super Potions, but when the time comes for Moomoo Milk, we will be using them a lot, as Hyper Potions are only really useful in the late endgame or postgame, depending on the level curve.

You can only get to this item box when ROKIT isn't running. I don't get why it's so complicated. Anyway, it's a shame, but The Under, and its surrounding locations, aren't in this game. So no Under Subway, Under Colosseum, or Deep Colosseum. However, to make up for that, when you get near the windmill, or go across the bridge, you can hear the creaking of wood and the wind from the abyss, respectively. As always, the little things are better than full on content. Uh, right?

Unlike the previous game, we can challenge Pyrite Colosseum immediately and get cool cash and TMs! It's definitely worth it, since Colosseum challenges are much easier than before and it'll be a good way to train up Shroomish. We'll be back in a moment.


They really spruced up the old Pyrite Building. Let's have an explore.

Since they're here, the act at the Krabby Club has changed. I think it's the Krabby duo, but I haven't gone over to check, since we'll be back at Gateon Port soon enough.



We can't do everything in this building for now, so these item boxes here and there will tease us for the moment.

Guess where her mommy is? That's right, at the end of the game, this girl is our permanent team member! ...ah just kidding, she's on the floor above.

I'm starting to get sick of this game's SHIT.

If you thought your Teddiursa needed an easier time reaching Return, then this is the item for you. It can also be useful later for happiness related stuff.

Man, I wish something big happened to distract everyone and let me get these items. Ah, what a pipe dream.

Weird place for a healing machine. Pyrite Cave has been shut down, so that's another area gone. I won't miss it.




We'll be going to our next destination next update. Just a few things we need to do first.

We'll be back in just a moment, it's purification time!

Pretty meh, but Shroomish is gonna get very good very quickly.

Already she's nearly caught up.

Alright, our team is halfway complete! Hopefully shouldn't be too long until we get our next member. Nickname by ZeButler. This is also our last food nickname, so enjoy this pizza!

I know I said we wouldn't rematch any trainers, but this is the only trainer we haven't fought in a double battle, so let's fix that. Then I'm not gonna talk to him for the rest of the LP.

I might forget to show it off every time since no one's bothered to figure out when new moves become available, but there's three new moves to learn, which could be useful.

Alright, to round out this update, it's Colosseum time! Like before, we can enter even with Shadow Pokemon, but this now applies to all Colosseums, so use whatever you want.

The place looks the same, but the new font is nice. Also like before, I won't be covering this place much, since there's not much to it!

We've got 16 trainers to take down, so let's get going! The battle themes for the Colosseum are the same as last game, so this is the only place we'll still find these tracks! What a tune!

Okay, let's get into why Colosseums are easier this time around. Like before, you can still use items and gain exp and all that, but no matter the trainer, they'll always be at the same level, in this case level 20. This means the Colosseum gets easier and easier as you go through them. And also because of this game's weirdly flat level curve, we're about to get horrendously overlevelled for the next chunk of the game! I'll go into why when we breeze past it soon enough, but it does put a damper on the game if you decide to fight every trainer you can (like me).

So since Portobello already starts off stronger than every trainer in this place, we're going to have a really easy time. Ah, what else is new, I'm just too good at these games.

Hey, a nice physical move. Just what I needed.

Even with a boosted SmellingSalt ruining Portobello's day, we clear the first set no problem.

It's very worth doing this, since bam, here's Brick Break for ya. We'll be using this very soon, oh yes we will.

Now if you wanted, there's not any reason to keep going, all the TMs left to get in this place are pretty naff (at least to me), the opponents are weak and it'll stop you getting even more overlevelled so the next part of the game won't be boring. Of course, I've got to show off everything, so let's get even stronger!

We just keep fighting babies, but some interesting things shine through, like an early sun team.

Oh yeah, you might have a harder time depending on your team, but since I've chosen Pokemon that evolve pretty early, you can see why I'm about to have a really easy time.

Oh but there's more.

I'm about to crush this game with my already fully evolved team.

While Taunt is whatever, Portobello has a really good STAB move, so anything weak to Fighting might as well not exist. Hmm, I feel like I said something similar last game...

Oh Breloom is really good since it has sky high Attack? I'm shocked.

Notice how strong we're getting compared to everything else. This is mainly because of double battles. Since we've only got 3 team members, there's not a lot of combinations we can go for, so they're out battling for quite some time and thus get even more experience.

Woah, an evolved Pokemon, that's crazy.

Like Taunt, Torment ain't great, but maybe you'll find a use for it.

More of the same, I would show off what the opponent was doing... but they're not even getting any attacks in.

Like the last trainer, who didn't get to attack once since we knocked out his entire team in one hit. Get used to this.

And then there's Roar. Whoopee. Sure, it can be useful to disrupt opponent's strategies, but there's less of that in this game, so it's not very useful in most situations.

Alright, that's it for Pyrite for now. Next time, we encounter something quite wild.